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  • 26Steps
  • 1Participant


Course Overview: Welcome to our comprehensive Online ASD Closure Training Program, designed for healthcare professionals seeking expertise in the management and closure of Atrial Septal Defects (ASDs). This program offers a deep dive into the world of ASD closure, covering essential knowledge, procedural techniques, and patient care. Key Highlights: Foundational Knowledge: Gain a comprehensive understanding of ASDs, including their types, pathophysiology, and clinical presentations. Diagnostic Methods: Explore various diagnostic tools, such as echocardiography and cardiac catheterization, to accurately assess ASDs. Patient Selection: Learn how to identify suitable candidates for ASD closure, considering clinical indications and patient-specific factors. Closure Techniques: Master the different approaches to ASD closure, including transcatheter closure and surgical options. Device Selection: Understand the selection of closure devices and their deployment techniques in minimally invasive procedures. Complications Management: Learn how to anticipate and manage potential complications during ASD closure, ensuring patient safety. Post-Procedure Care: Explore post-closure patient care, follow-up, and monitoring to ensure successful outcomes. Multidisciplinary Collaboration: Understand the importance of collaboration with interventional cardiologists, cardiothoracic surgeons, and other specialists in providing comprehensive ASD care.

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