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LMCA&BIFURCATION Stenting Training

Start Date

January 16, 2023

End Date

January 17, 2023

Scientific Program

Training Title: Left Main Coronary Artery and Bifurcation Stenting  Training

Nature of the event:  Left Main Coronary Artery and Bifurcation Stenting Training is a Procedure Training that includes hands on sessions, theoretical sessions. Left Main Coronary Artery and Bifurcation Stenting Training is designed for interventional cardiologists who want to learn Left Main Coronary Artery and Bifurcation Stenting Training Procedure. Training will be onsite, and it takes 2-day. This training will include theoretical sessions, lectures, videos, hands-on simulation sessions, and 4 live case observations. It will be educational and procedural training.

Duration of the event: It will be 2-day training. Training will be organized from 09:00 to 17:00.

Target Audience

Left Main Coronary Artery and Bifurcation Stenting Training’s primary audiences for the education.


☐ Interventional Cardiologist

☐ Cardiologists

International audience:

The international target audience is interventional cardiologists who wants to proceed with Left Main Coronary Artery and Bifurcation Stenting Training’s procedures. 

Gap Analysis/Needs Assessment

Gaps: The difference between current practice and better or best practice.

The most critical issue in sustainable medical education is the limited ability to practice on simulation devices and the limited opportunities for one-on-one training. The educational opportunities that can be reached can be made with the opportunities of medical device companies.

Needs: Left Main Coronary Artery and Bifurcation Stenting procedure  is a complex coronary interventional procedure. Physicians are required to  learn step by step within the catheter laboratory from specialist physicians  who are currently performing the procedure.Educational learning methods will  be Live Case Observation, Video, Lectures, On-site, Hands-on Simulation, and  Specific groups.

Left Main Coronary Artery and Bifurcation Stenting Training’s procedure is a complex coronary interventional procedure. Physicians are required to learn step by step within the catheter laboratory from specialist physicians who are currently performing the procedure.





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