Your Partner in Advancing Science, ADN CoE
Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Altun
Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University

1999 - 2005 Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Medical School
2005 - 2010 Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical School, Department of Cardiology Residency
2011 - May 2012 Kars Sarıkamış Military Hospital Cardiologist
Jul 2012 - Feb 2013 Van Baskale State Hospital Cardiologist
2013 - May 2013 · Ardahan State Hospital Cardiologist
May 2013 - Mar 2014 · 11 Düzce Akcakoca State Hospital Cardiologist
8 yrs 4 mois Mugla Sitki Kocman University, School of Medicine, Department of Cardiology
Research and Training
University of Oxford Centre for Clinical Magnetic Resonance Research ( OCMR) Oxford, England, United Kingdom.
Licenses & certifications
Level 3 ESC/EACVI Certification in Cardiac CT
Education & Qualifications
Research Fellow Oxford Centre for Clinical Magnetic Resonance Research ( 2022-2023 )
Associate Professor Mugla Sitki Kocman University, School of Medicine, Department of Cardiology ( 2017 – 2022)
Assistant Professor Mugla Sitki Kocman University, School of Medicine, Department of Cardiology ( 2014- 2017 )
Cardiology Resident Istanbul University, Istanbul School of Medicine, Department of Cardiology ( 2005- 2011 )
Medical School Istanbul University , Cerrahpasa School of Medicine ( 1999 - 2005 )
Work Experience
Cardiology Resident Istanbul University, School of Medicine, Department of Cardiology ( 2005 - 2011 )
Consultant Cardiologist Sarikamis Military Hospital, Kars , Turkey ( 2011- 2012 )
Consultant Cardiologist Baskale State Hospital, Van, Turkey ( 2012- 2013 )
Consultant Cardiologist Akcakoca State Hospital, Duzce, Turkey ( 2013- 2014 )
Assistant Professor Mugla Sitki Kocman University Research and Training Hospital ( 2014- 2017 )
Associate Professor Mugla Sitki Kocman University Research and Training Hospital ( 2017 - )
Membership of Medical Societies
Turkish Society of Cardiology (TSC)
European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI)
Cardiac CT Talks
Role of CT-FFR in chronic coronary artery disease. 21th National Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease Congress, Izmir, May 2023.
Role of Cardiac CT in Congenital Heart Disease. 38th National Turkish Cardiology Congress, Antalya, November 2022 3-.
Role of Cardiac CT on the aortic valve disease ( native and prosthetic aortic valve ) with real life cases, 2. Uludag Cardiology Congress, March 2022.
Role of Cardiac CT in interventional Cardiology ( CTO, EVAR, TEVAR ), Interventional Cardiology Congress, February 2022.
Role of Coronary Calcium Scoring and CT imaging methods in the decision to initiate lipid lowering therapy in primary prevention. 17th International Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Congress, Online, December 2021.
Role of CCTA on the diagnosis of coronary artery disease with 10 real-life cases. Cardiovascular Academy society Congress ( Cardiology Almanag ), Istanbul, December 2021.
Importance of CT for aortic and peripheral interventions. Cardiovascular CT on the diagnosis, management and treatment surveillance of Aortic disease. 37th National Turkish Cardiology Congress, Antalya, November 2021.
Assessment of cardiovascular risk: Coronary imaging. 37th National Turkish Cardiology Congress, Antalya, November 2021.
CCTA course for Cardiologist. ACS21 congress, Istanbul, September 2021.
- Chronic total occlusion and Cardiac CT. Cardio-online Complex Interventions Platform, Izmir, September 2021.
Coronary calcium score: Is it Paradox or real? 18th National Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease Congress, Online, December 2020.
Cardiac CT beyond the coronary arteries. 16th International Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Congress, Online, October 2020.
CT coronary angiography in the diagnosis of CAD: Is catheter angiography will be ancient? 17th National Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease Congress, Bodrum, April 2019.
Cardiac MR Talks
Stress Perfusion Cardiac MR. Level 1 CMR course for Cardiologist, Sakarya, 2022.
Myocarditis and CMR. Resident Education Seminar, Mugla, 2021.
Original Articles, Review, Editorial, Case Reports, Original Image and Letter to Editor (SCI or SCI Expanded)
Altun I. Role of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Management and Treatment of Patents with Ventricular Arrrhythmias, Turkish Clinics, Cardiology Special Issue, on Ventricular Arrhythmias, Ahead of Print, 2023
Akin F, Altun I, Ayca B, Kose N, Altun İ. Associations of Non-High-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Triglyceride/High-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Ratio with Coronary Plaque Burden and Plaque Characteristics in Young Adults. Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2022 May 8. doi: 10.17305/bjbms.2021.7142
Altun I, Başaran Ö, Çelik O, Altun İ, Çullu N. A frequently overlooked cause of chest pain: Acute aortic intramural hematoma. Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars. 2022 Jan;50 (1):85.
Altun I, Altun I. Evaluation of coronary flow with computed tomography derived FFR: Advantages and Pitfalls. Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars. 2021 Dec;49(8):675-681. Review
Altun I, Basaran O, Celik O, Altun I, Harmandar B. A bicuspid aortic valv sign in ascending aorta: An acute circumferential type 1 aortic dissection with intimo-intimal intussusception. Anatol J Cardiol. 2021; 25(5): 5021- 5021. doi: 10.5152/AnatolJCardiol.2021.12901
Cullu N, Altun I, Altun I. A rare coronary anomaly: Absence of a right coronary artery. Anatol J Cardiol. 2021; 25(5): 5019-5019. doi: 10.14744/AnatolJCardiol.2020.32035.
Köse N, Yıldırım T, Akın F, Yıldırım SE, Altun I. Prognostic role of NLR, PLR, and LMR in patients with pulmonary embolism. Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2020 May 1; 20(2):248-253. doi: 10.17305/bjbms.2019.4445.
Cullu N, Özdemir MY, Özlek E, Yeniçeri Ö, Altun I. Fistulization of the right coronary artery to the superior vena cava. Anatol J Cardiol. 2020 Apr; 23(5):E13. doi: 10.14744/AnatolJCardiol.2020.94727.
Kose N, Akin F, Yildirim T, Ergun G, Altun I. The association between the lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio and coronary artery disease severity in patients with stable coronary artery disease. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2019 Mar; 23(6):2570-2575. doi: 10.26355/eurrev_201903_17406.
Derin S, Altun I, Koseoglu S, Sahin C, Yilmaz M, Akin F, Sahan M. Association of epicardial fat thickness with clinical and polysomnographic parameters in non-obese obstructive sleep apnoea patients. J Laryngol Otol. 2018 May; 132(5):439-445. doi: 10.1017/S0022215118000579. Epub 2018 Apr 23.
Golcuk E, Yalin K, Akdeniz CS, Teker E, Teker B, Hancer VS, Altun I, Sezer M, Kucukkaya RD, Oncul A. Glycoprotein Ibα Kozak polymorphism in patients presenting with early-onset acute coronary syndrome. Arch Med Sci. 2018 Jun; 14(4):788-793. doi: 10.5114/aoms.2016.63278. Epub 2016 Oct 26
Belli AA, Altun I, Altun I. Thickness of carotid intima and epicardial fat in rosacea: a cross-sectional study. An Bras Dermatol. 2017 Nov-Dec; 92(6):820-825. doi: 10.1590/abd1806-4841.20176832.
Belli AA, Altun I. Assessment of Framingham risk score and systemic coronary risk evaluation in rosacea patients. Dermatologica Sinica. 2017 March; 35(3): 127-130.
Oz F, Onur I, Elitok A, Ademoglu E, Altun I, Bilge AK, Adalet K. Galectin-3 correlates with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy and predicts the risk of ventricular -arrhythmias in patients with implantable defibrillators. Acta Cardiol. 2017 Aug;72(4):453-459. doi: 10.1080/00015385.2017.1335371. Epub 2017 Jul 14.
Biteker M, Başaran Ö, Doğan V, Altun I, Özpamuk Karadeniz F, Tekkesin Aİ, Çakıllı Y, Türkkan C, Hamidi M, Demir V, Gürsoy MO, Tek Öztürk M, Aksan G, Seyis S, Ballı M, Alıcı MH, Bozyel S. Real-World Clinical Characteristics and Treatment Patterns of Individuals Aged 80 and Older with Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation: Results from the ReAl-life Multicenter Survey Evaluating Stroke Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2017 Aug; 65(8):1684-1690. doi: 10.1111/jgs.14855. Epub 2017 Apr 10.
Çekiç EG, Başaran Ö, Filiz Başaran N, Elmas O, Doğan V, Mert GÖ, Mert KU, Altun I, Akın F, Biteker M. Cutaneous microvascular reactivity and aortic elasticity in coronary artery disease: Comparison of the laser Doppler flowmetry and echocardiography. Microvasc Res. 2017 Jan; 109:19-25. doi: 10.1016/j.mvr.2016.09.003. Epub 2016 Sep 28.
Altun I, Unal Y, Basaran O, Akin F, Emir GK, Kutlu G, Biteker M. Increased Epicardial Fat Thickness Correlates with Aortic Stiffness and N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide Levels in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients. Tex Heart Inst J. 2016 Jun 1; 43(3):220-6. doi: 10.14503/THIJ-15-5428.
Başaran Ö, Beton O, Doğan V, Tekinalp M, Aykan AÇ, Kalaycıoğlu E, Bolat İ, Taşar O, Şafak Ö, Kalçık M, Yaman M, Altun I, Soylu MÖ, Kırma C, Biteker M; RAMSES Study. ReAl-life Multicenter Survey Evaluating Stroke prevention strategies in non-valvular atrial fibrillation (RAMSES study). Anatol J Cardiol. 2016 Oct ;16(10):734-741. doi: 10.14744/AnatolJCardiol.2016.6752.
Soylu MO, Altun I, Basaran O, Uzun Y, Dogan V, Ergun G, Akin F, Biteker M. Impact of QRS morphology on heart rate turbulence and heart rate variability after cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with heart failure. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2016 ;20(2):317-22.
Altun I, Akin F, Kose N, Sahin C, Kirli I. Predictors of slow flow in angiographically normal coronary arteries. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2015 Aug 15 ; 8(8):13762-8
Altun I, Pamukcu B, Yildiz CE, Arkaya SC, Guz G, Yilmaz A, Bilge AK, Turkoglu UM, Adalet K. Cardiotrophin-1: A new predictor of atrial fibrillation relapses after successful cardioversion. Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2015 Jul 23 ;15(3):68-73. doi: 10.17305/bjbms.2015.503.
Basaran O, Filiz Basaran N, Cekic EG, Altun I, Dogan V, Mert GO, Mert KU, Akin F, Soylu MO, Memic Sancar K, Biteker M. PRescriptiOn PattERns of Oral Anticoagulants in Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation (PROPER study). Clin Appl Thromb Hemost. 2017 May ;23(4):384-391. doi: 10.1177/1076029615614395. Epub 2015 Oct 30.
Akin F, Ayca B, Kose N, Altun I, Avsar M, Celik O, Satilmis S, Eksik A, Okuyan E. Relation of platelet indices to severity of coronary artery disease in patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Perfusion. 2016 Apr; 31(3):216-22. doi: 10.1177/0267659115594231. Epub 2015 Jul 15.
Akin F, Celik O, Altun I, Ayca B, Ozturk D, Satilmis S, Ayaz A, Tasbulak O. Relation of red cell distribution width to contrast-induced acute kidney injury in patients undergoing a primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Coron Artery Dis. 2015 Jun;26(4):289-95. doi: 10.1097/MCA.0000000000000223.
Akin F, Celik O, Ayca B, Altun I, Diker VO, Bıyık I, Siriopol D, Covic A, Kanbay M. Associations of fibroblast growth factor 23 and fetuin-A with coronary plaque burden and plaque composition in young adults. J Investig Med. 2015 Apr; 63(4):613-9. doi: 10.1097/JIM.0000000000000153.
Akin F, Celik O, Altun I, Ayca B, Diker VO, Satılmıs S, Sahin C. Relationship of fibroblast growth factor 23 and fetuin—A to coronary atherosclerosis. J Diabetes Complications. 2015 May-Jun; 29(4):550-5. doi:10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2015.02.013.
Akin F, Celik O, Ayça B, Yalçin AA, Altun I, Köse N. Association of glomerular filtration rate with slow coronary flow in patients with normal to mildly impaired renal function. Angiology. 2014 Oct ;65(9):844-8. doi: 10.1177/0003319714522106. Epub 2014 Feb 19.
Polat N, Oz F, Baykız D, Cizgici AY, Altun I, Buğra Z, Umman B, Tufan F, Oflaz H. Predictors of functional capacity in younger and elderly chronic heart failure patients: an observational study. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2013 Dec;13 (8):778-83.
Yelken B, Caliskan Y, Gorgulu N, Altun I, Yilmaz A, Yazici H, Oflaz H, Yildiz A. Reduction of uric acid levels with allopurinol treatment improves endothelial function in patients with chronic kidney disease. Clin Nephrol. 2012 Apr; 77 (4):275-82
Demirtürk M, Polat N, Güz G, Gürdal A, Altun I, Gelincik A, Toz B, Oflaz H, Çolakoğlu B, Dal M, Büyüköztürk S. There is an increased risk of atherosclerosis in hereditary angioedema. Int Immunopharmacol. 2012 Jan;12(1):212-6.
Aslanger E, Altun I, Guz G, Kiraslan O, Polat N, Golcuk E, Oflaz H. The preoperative cardiology consultation: goal settings and great expectations. Acta Cardiol. 2011 Aug; 66(4):447-52.
Yildiz CE, Babaoglu K, Korkmaz A, Dursun M, Altun I, Mert M, Guden M, Cetin G: Rare variation in partial anomalous venous drainage in 2 cases: diagnosis, assessment methods, and surgical approach. Heart Surg Forum. 2010 Dec 1:13(6):E373-5.
Ozben B, Altun I, Sabri Hancer V, Bilge AK, Tanrikulu AM, Diz-Kucukkaya R, Fak AS, Yilmaz E, Adalet K. Angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphism in arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia: is DD genotype helpful in predicting syncope risk? J Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone Syst. 2008 Dec; 9(4):215-20.
Tayyareci Y, Nisanci Y, Umman B, Oncul A, Yurdakul S, Altun I, Umman S, Bugra Z. Early detection of right ventricular systolic dysfunction by using myocardial acceleration during isovolumic contraction in patients with mitral stenosis. Eur J Echocardiogr. 2008 Jul;9(4):516-21.
Aslanger E, Altun I. Sudden cardiac arrest in a patient taking chloroquine. Resuscitation. 2009 Feb; 80 (2):285-6.
Aslanger E, Altun I, Umman B. Sudden cardiac arrest in a patient with an anomalous left main coronary artery originating from the pulmonary artery. Acta Cardiol. 2009 Dec;64 (6): 835-7.
Guz G, Altun I, Karaayvaz B, Akin F, Kocaaga M, Atesal S. An aortic dissection treated with left main coronary artery stent implantation. Postepy Kardiol Interwencyjnej 2014;10,(4):314–316.
Dogan V, Basaran O, Altun I, Biteker M. Transesophageal echocardiography guidance is essential in the management of prosthetic valve thrombosis. Int J Cardiol. 2014 Oct 5;177 (3):1103-1104.
Altun I, Akin F, Basaran O, Biteker M. Management of peripartum cardiomyopathy. Int J Cardiol. 2014 Oct 13;177(2):714
Altun I, Akın F, Biteker M. Peripartum cardiomyopathy and triplet pregnancy. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2015 Jan;15 (1):85-6
Kalemci S, Altun I, Sancar KM, Biteker M. Effect of COPD on cognitive functions in patients with heart failure. Heart Lung. 2015 May-Jun;44(3):264
Kalemci S, Altun I, Akin F, Biteker M. Obstructive sleep apnea and stroke risk in atrial fibrillation: Is there a correlation or not? Int J Cardiol. 2015 Apr 1;184:306.
Altun I, Akin F, Biteker M. The Role of Epicardial Fat Thickness and Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio Are Needed to Be Studied in Real-World Stroke Patients. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2015 May;24(5):1100.
Biteker M, Biteker G, Altun I, Başaran Ö, Soylu MÖ. Late recovery in peripartum cardiomyopathy. Int J Cardiol. 2015 Mar 27;187:316
Yıldırım B, Başaran Ö, Soylu MÖ, Altun I, Biteker M. Inadequately investigated drugs in acute peripartum cardiomyopathy. Int J Cardiol. 2015 Apr 15;189:198.
Kırat T, Köse N, Altun I, Akın F. Hyperkalemia induced sinoatrial block or atrial fibrillation? Int J Cardiol. 2015 Apr 16;190:102.
Guz G, Altun I, Kocaaga M, Emet S, Atesal S. Unexpected reason for a persistent cough: carotid artery pseudoaneurysm with arteriovenous fistula. Euro Intervention. 2015 Aug 22;11(4):e1
Proceedings of Meetings in International Congress:
Tayyareci Y, Buğra Z, Umman B, Altun I, Yurdakul S, Nişancı Y, Meriç M. Validity of the right ventricular isovolumic myocardial acceleration to assess the severity of rheumatic mitral stenosis. Euroecho 10 Congress, December 06-09 2006, Prague, Czech Republic.
Yelken B, Caliskan Y, Gorgulu N, Altun I, Yılmaz A, Yazici H, Oflaz H, Yildiz A. Reduction of uric acid levels with allopurinol treatment improves endothelial function in patients with chronic renal failure. XLVII ERA-EDTA Congress - II DGfN Congress, June 25-28 2010, Munich, Germany.
Altun I, Bilge Kaya A, Güz G, Altun İ, Yılmaz A, Yıldız Eray C, Polat N, Yılmaz E, Adalet K. Place of Cardiotrophin-1 in prediction of sinus rhythm in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation, ESC Congress, August 27-31 2011, Paris, France.
Demirturk M, Polat N, Güz G, Gürdal A, Altun I, Gelincik A, Toz B, Oflaz H, Çolakoğlu B, Dal M, Büyüköztürk S. Is there an increased risk of atherosclerosis in hereditary angioedema? 30th Congress of European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, June 11-15 2011, İstanbul, Turkey.
Çalışkan Y, Beşiroğlu M, Yazıcı H, Altun I, Gürdal A, Ecder T, Türkmen A, Sever M. Endothelial dysfunction in renal transplant recipients with functioning arteriovenosus fistula. ASN Kidney Week, November 08-13 2011, Philadelphia, USA.
Altun I, Güz G, Polat N, Önür İ, Oflaz H, Bilge Kaya A, Yılmaz E, Adalet K. A heart transplant depending on arrhythmia storm. 3rd World Heart Failure Congress, 29 November- 02 December 2012, İstanbul, Turkey.
Akin F, Altun I, Kose N. Two cases of an unoperated adult patient with single ventricule. 10th International Congress Of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, March 13-16 2014, Antalya, Turkey.
Altun I, Kose N, Beydilli H, Akin F, Guz G, Polat N, et al. Unusual history of a patient with subsequent giant left ventricular aneurisms. 10th International Congress Of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, March 13-16 2014, Antalya, Turkey.
Kose N, Akin F, Altun I, Harmandar B. Iatrogenic bilateral femoral arteriovenous fistula: A case report. 10th International Congress Of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, March 13-16 2014, Antalya, Turkey.
Altun I, Kose N, Beydilli H, Akin F, Guz G, Polat N, et al. Hard Case; Congenitally corrected transposition of The great arteries. 10th International Congress Of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, March 13-16 2014, Antalya, Turkey.
Basaran O, Altun I, Sozen H, Akın F, Caylak S, Dogan V, Sahin C. Psychogenic polydipsia precipitated acute hyponatremia complicated by aspiration pneumonia and infective endocarditis. The 6th Eurasia Congress of Infectious Diseases. 24-27 September 2014, Belgrad, Serbia.
F. Akin, C. Omer, I. Altun, B. Ayca. Associations of Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 and Fetuin-A with coronary plaque Burden and Plaque Composition in patients with and without diabetes. 83th European Atherosclerosis Society Congress, 22-25 March 2015, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
. F. Akin, C. Omer, B. Ayca, I. Altun, V. Diker, M. Kanbay, A. Covic. Associations of Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 and Fetuin-A with coronary plaque Burden and Plaque Composition in young Adults. 83th European Atherosclerosis Society Congress, 22-25 March 2015, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Multimodality Imaging Techniques
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Complete CT Experience Training
Complete CT: A two-day immersive cardiac CT training in Istanbul. Day 1: Expert lectures on cutting-edge cardiac imaging. Day 2: Hands-on sessions led by instructors, integrating CT findings into procedures. Gain practical skills for confident clinical application.
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CT Evaluation for TAVI Training
Our training program focuses on the importance of accurate measurements and CT evaluation in TAVI procedures. Gain expertise in interpreting CT scans, assessing anatomical challenges, and making informed decisions for valve sizing and positioning. Stay updated with the latest advancements and network with professionals in the field. The program includes lectures and hands-on experience with live cases.
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